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Robin Class 16/12/2022

What an incredible week to end 2022 on! Robin Class children have been fabulous with their DT project this week and they have all made brilliant moving Christmas cards! We started the week trying out side to side and up and down sliders and then designed and made our very own Christmas cards using these techniques! Not only that, but we have made snowmen peg friends, snowman cards for our buddies in KS2 and snowmen cards to come home too! In maths we have saved a melting snowman by completing different challenges and in English we have not only written to Santa but also explained how our snowmen melted after reading all about Sneezy the Snowman! Finally, we have had the best time with our bookvent! We have enjoyed so many stories and have absolutely smashed last half terms record of 25 books read, this half term we have read 42 books! WOW! There is still one day to go and I have a feeling we may just hit 46! Keep your fingers crossed! We look forward to lots more fun and learning in the new year!