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Goldfinch Class 26/06/2024

In Goldfinch Class this week we have been very practical in maths. We have been continuing to look at movement by giving directions. We have used directions on the beebots and on the chrome books. We also created our own obstacle courses and gave instructions to move around them to our friends.

In English we have pretended to be the family in the 'Diary of a Wombat' and have written a diary about the pesky wombat. We have also done some assessed writing to show how we have been getting on.

In science we have been learning all about how to keep our teeth healthy. We have set up an experiment by putting hard boiled eggs into different drinks to see which would be the worst for our teeth. We also designed our own poster.

In music, we have been looking at regular beat patterns and have performed these in various ways.

We had a lovely afternoon doing art. We created maps using cellophane. We also made our own printing tile of a map and used this to print with, ready to create a final artistic piece in a couple of weeks.