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Goldfinch Class 17/03/2023

We have been very busy in Goldfinch Class this week doing lots of activities. In maths we have been focussing on capacity so spent some time practically measuring out water and reading scales. In English we have been looking at different versions of George and the Dragon. We have been comparing these stories and thinking about which one was our favourite. This week it has been Science week, so we have spent extra time doing science practically. We looked at the results of a cress experiment - we were looking to see if plants need water and what happens if they do not get any. We discovered that seeds do not start to grow at all if they do not have water. We have also put some flowers in different coloured water to see what happens to the flowers. Other exciting activities that we have been doing were looking at what happens when yeast is mixed with sugar and warm water. Also, today, we worked in groups to try and build a bridge that could hold a toy car - we had to make it strong.