It has been another super week here in Wagtails Class. The main focusses this week have been 'Remembrance Day' and 'Diwali'. The children have been very busy learning all about Remembrance Day and why people wear red and purple poppies as a symbol of respect. The children have been really busy making their own poppies, which we turned into a wonderful class wreath.
They have also very much enjoyed learning all about Diwali, the Hindu festival of light. The children have enjoyed making lanterns and learning all about and making rangoli patterns. The classroom is looking really lovely with all of the children's artwork being on display.
In maths, we have been learning about the number 3. We have been looking at the composition of this number and have been trying to find different ways to make it. We have used; numicon and numicon plates, and bean bags and hoops to do this.
Finally, Mrs Svenson awarded Wagtails Class the 'moving around school safely' trophy this week as they always do a fantastic job of following the Golden Rules and move around the school; quietly using their walking feet, keeping themselves and everyone else safe. Well done, Wagtails, I am so proud of you all. You are great role models to others. Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Slade