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Wagtail Class 21/04/2023

It has been a busy first week back here in Wagtail Class. The children have settled back into their routines brilliantly and have all been amazing as always.


Our literacy this week has been based on the story 'How to Catch a Star'. The children have loved this. During exploring for learning time, they chose to build rockets using 3D shapes. They even had a go at making name rockets by cutting shapes, sticking them down and writing the letters of their names on them, they look really fabulous!


In maths we have been learning all about the numbers nine and ten. The children have been practising to write these numbers and have been representing these along with other numbers to ten, in different ways. They have particularly enjoyed using the dabbers.


In RE we have been learning all about 'Our World'. The children have enjoyed lots of creative activities expressing their favourite things in our world. Some children chose the sun, some chose fish and some flowers. 


We have finished our busy week by watching a video of Mrs Slade releasing our butterflies and have completed our last diary entry. These also look wonderful. Well done Wagtails you have done such an amazing job of recording your observations.


A fabulous first week back. Well done superstars!