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Pipit Class w/c 23/01/2023

Pipit Class have had a super exciting week!


We have been fortunate to have a visit from two people who help us in the community. We had a visit from Dental Nurse Laura who explained to the children about her job and reminded them about how to take care of our teeth. She brought in some teeth models which we had a go at brushing with soap foam. We then had a visit from Nurse Meg, who explained to us her role as a nurse and showed us some medical tools she uses. The children were very excited to meet our visitors this week as we had lots of questions for them.  


In Literacy we have been focusing on the lovely story 'The Jolly Postman and or Other People's Letters'. The children have had a go at designing a Birthday card and using their knowledge of tricky words and sounds to write inside the card. 


In Maths this week we have learnt about mass. We predicted the weight of different objects before using the scales to check our predictions. 


In our spare time we have been learning some Spanish, check out Tapestry to see a video of them speaking Spanish!


What a great week, well done Pipits