The school office is open 8.30am to 4pm Mon to Fri, Term Time Only, Tel 01458 272587

Summer Fair now 12th July 2024 due to the weather

Summer Fair moved to Friday 12th July 2024 3.15-5.30pm


We are so so disappointed to have to send an email like this but given the weather forecast it really wouldn't be fair to continue this week and we don't want to have to move inside again like last year after all the incredible plans we had in store for you! 

We have however managed (with lots of negotiations) to make most of our pre agreed commitments with a few differences and for anyone going to Somerstock on Friday evening there will be plenty of time for you to do this aswell!


We had a great amount of volunteers at the ready which we really really needed and we are hoping you can still help if you came forward, so if you haven't heard from us by tomorrow please message us on Facebook, join the WhatsApp group previously emailed or email us


We are praying for good weather next week so please help us!


See you NEXT Friday.. 12th July 3.15-5.30pm!!