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Goldfinch Class 10/05/2024

Another busy but fun week in Goldfinch class. In maths we have been learning to tell the time. So far we have covered o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We have been playing games and using clocks to help us with our understanding.

Out tadpoles and caterpillars are growing well and it is good fun seeing these life cycles happen before our eyes.

In English we have been continuing to look at poetry. We have performed some and added musical instruments to our performance. We have also been writing our own and making improvements to them.

In DT we have used a running stitch to make a pouch out of felt. The children impressed me with their sewing skills.

In Pshe we were learning about staying safe and when it is best to say, yes, no, I'll ask or I'll tell.

We have been enjoying the lovely weather in pe and practising our running, throwing and catching skills.