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Wagtail Class 08/12/2023

We really have had a wonderful time here in Wagtails this week. We started the week by watching a pantomime, 'The Selfish Giant'. This was amazing and we thoroughly enjoyed it. 


The rain did not stop our fabulous nativity this afternoon. Both, Wagtails and Pipits put on a super performance. We are so proud of you all, you have worked so hard learning songs and actions and you all looked wonderful. Thank you to everyone who has supported us.


We have also been learning about 'one more' and 'one less' in maths, using 5-frames. The children did a great job in representing their numbers using counters. During exploring for learning time, some children chose to practise writing some of the tricky words we have been learning.


Well done Wagtails on what has been a different week due to the weather, but as always - you absolutely smashed it!


Have a super weekend. From Mrs Slade